我被录取了... 现在?
We understand how overwhelming the process of enrolling in college can be, 这就是为什么我们创造了这个简单的, 一步一步的清单来帮助你. 不要犹豫 免费mg不朽情缘试玩 如果你有任何问题!
- 参加一个被录取的学生项目.
- Submit the FAFSA.
- Verify the processing of your FAFSA by reviewing the Student Aid Report (SAR).
- Receive your student aid award notification.
- Sign your Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note and apply for additional funding, if necessary.
- Respond to your offer of admission by paying the acceptance fee and general deposit.
- Take the online ALEKS placement test.
- Upload Your Immunization Records.
- 参与 新生迎新(NSO).
- Receive your semester bill electronically.
- Pay your semester bill.
- 参与 新生日(NSD).
你将被邀请参加一个 录取学生计划 where you will have an opportunity to meet with campus faculty and staff, 享受食物, 参观校园, and meet other students who have been accepted to 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. 让我们庆祝你们的成就!
Submit the FAFSA.
我们建议新生提交 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) by January 31 for first-year students and Transfer students and April 15 for returning students for maximum consideration of aid. 如果你还没有这样做的话, go online and submit your FAFSA using Penn State's Federal School Code 003329. The FAFSA becomes available October 1 prior to the academic year the student will begin classes. ** 2024-25年度FAFSA将于2024年12月发布.
Verify the processing of your FAFSA by reviewing the Student Aid Report (SAR).
为了让你的FAFSA处理并被送到免费mg不朽情缘试玩, 你必须核实所有的信息都是正确的. 在线提交FAFSA后的几天到一周, 您将收到一封电子邮件,提示您重新登录 FAFSA的网站 查看学生资助报告(SAR). SAR包括你对FAFSA问题的所有回答, and this is your chance to verify that you haven't made any mistakes. Once you verify all information is correct, your FAFSA will process and be sent to Penn State. 不要错过这一步,这很重要!
Receive your student aid award notification.
2月中旬开始, Penn State sends out notifications to all accepted students regarding the student aid they are receiving. 通知开始后, emails are sent out weekly depending on when students complete the FAFSA and are accepted. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your financial aid. 父母需要有 授权访问 让我们来回答有关学生经济援助的具体问题. Call 724-334-6046 or 724-334-6047 for the 金融援助 department.
Sign your Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note and apply for additional funding, if necessary.
If you are borrowing money through a Federal 工作人员ord Loan, you will need to sign your 主本票 在你的贷款发放之前. 首次借贷者还需要填写 入学咨询. If you find you need additional funding, our office can help you find 私人替代贷款来源 你可以探索. The important thing to remember as you work through this process is that we're here to help. 确保你 免费mg不朽情缘试玩 当问题出现时.
Respond to your offer of admission by paying the acceptance fee and general deposit.
The $230 non-refundable fee is your way of telling us you're coming to Penn State! 我们要求你方在5月1日前支付接受费, 但是你越早做出承诺, the sooner you can get started on the new student testing and advising process. 你可以通过你的 MyPennState帐户.
Take the online ALEKS placement test.
三月开始, students who have paid their acceptance fees will receive an email with information about how to go online and take the 亚历克斯数学分班测验. Students who have taken calculus in high school will not need to take the 亚历克斯数学分班测验. (如果你有AP学分, please have the college send a transcript or send AP test scores so your advisor can schedule you in the appropriate math and science classes).
如果你高中没学过微积分, 你将被要求参加ALEKS数学分班测试. 你可以在家做ALEKS测试, 在我们收到你的分数之后, 系统将提示您选择您的 新生迎新(NSO) 日期. The test will let us know the appropriate math and science courses to place you into. 如果你在参加NSO之前没有参加ALEKS测试, you will not be able to schedule math and science classes at the NSO advisory appointment.
Transfer students may or may not be required to take the ALEKS assessment. 如果您不确定是否需要测试,请联系 学术和职业成功中心.
Your NSO Tasklist will provide you with a personalized message stating whether ALEKS is required for you.
Upload Your Immunization Records.
All incoming Penn State students must provide proof of immunization against measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹. 根据宾夕法尼亚州的法律, students living in on-campus housing 还必须 provide proof of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (Menveo, Menactra, MCV4), 能预防血清A群引起的感染, C, W和Y.
Important Immunization Requirements for All 传入的学生
另外, the University strongly urges all students to be immunized against COVID-19 (primary series and booster).
To submit: log in to myUHS using your Penn State access credentials, and upload image files of your official immunization records and, 如果适用的话, 任何抗体滴度阳性的血液测试结果.
Immunization requirements are applicable to all undergraduate and graduate students at University Park and Commonwealth Campuses excluding World Campus and Great Valley. 免疫接种记录只需提交一次. 如有疑问或了解更多信息,请访问 大学健康服务网站.
有些学生,如 本校 or students in certain health-related majors may be asked to submit immunization information. 这些学生 还必须 使用以下程序提交正式免疫记录.
访问 http://studentaffairs.primewar.net/submit-immunizations 上传你的医疗记录.
新生迎新(NSO) will introduce you to the academic and social aspects Penn State. You won't be able to participate in 取向 and schedule until you pay your acceptance fees and take the 亚历克斯数学分班测验 (如适用). 请访问 取向.事业单位.edu/participate 查阅最新资料
Receive your semester bill electronically.
您的账单将在您安排课程后生成. 学费要到7月才正式确定, and bills start going out in August and are due by the first day of class. 有一个完整的账单到期日期的列表,通过网上 财务主管的网站. You will be able to view and print your bill online, set up payment plans and approve 授权费用. 您还将学习如何在过程中完成此过程 新生迎新(NSO).
Pay your semester bill.
你可以用几种不同的方式支付账单. For a listing of payment options, payment plans and approved methods of payment, visit the 财务主管的网站. You can pay your bill online, and you'll also learn how to do this during 新生迎新(NSO). You can contact the 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 Bursar's Office directly at 724-334-6023 with any questions you may have.
新生日(NSD) 这是培训的最后两天吗. 这两天包括新生学术大会, 学术项目会议, team building and small group workshops led by faculty and new student 取向 leaders. You'll have an opportunity to meet all the incoming students and see what life will be like at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. New Student Days typically take place the week before the start of classes in August, 这是一年级学生的必修课. 整个夏天, you will receive information regarding specific 日期s and times for 取向 and related activities.